Did You Know Toxins Surround Us?

Growing up, I never even bothered to check what ingredients are in my personal products or let along what’s in the detergents I used to clean the house. The most important thing for me was that they smelt nice and did their job. I lacked the education need on what could be harmful for my body. I trusted the companies making the products and that’s it. After all what are the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or Food and Drug Administrator (FDA) job? Isn’t it to go through commercial products ingredients for us consumers, right?

What I remember is that I used to be super allergic to potent frangrances. In fact I am still sensitive to strong perfumes and detergents especially softeners for clothes.

Hopefully many of us are aware that our skin is the largest organ - 2 square meters on average and hence 60 percent of the substance we put on our skin goes through our body and these toxic personal care and cleaning products are eventually absorbed in the bloodstream. You and I may be aware of this but still, unconsciously we tend to close an eye and get entangled in the mix up of which product to buy, with so many to choose from shelves of supermarkets and so forth giving top priority to price and smell.

But the truth is that whilst the skin absorbs vitamins and minerals, unfortunately it absorbs harmful chemicals that we are putting on it day by day. Having said that to you, and continue reminding myself, it's better we put on our sleeves and take on the responsibility of what we are truly putting on our skin and on that of our family.

Many studies show that certain chemicals found in commercial products can be so harmful that disrupt our hormones, promote allergies, that lead to reproductive issues and increase risk of cancers. The side effects might be seen later in life after using these kind of products over and over again. So we need to continously check what we are applying on our skin.

Here are some chemicals that I avoid for when buying soap and you should too!


Most of the time “Fragrance” could actually be a cocktail of chemicals and you’d never know it. Synthetic chemicals and cancer-causing toxins (like phthalates, used to make fragrances last longer) are hiding under that one term. Constant exposure to fragrances has been shown to negatively impact the central nervous system and can trigger allergies, migraines, asthma symptoms and the reproductive system, including the still-developing testes of male babies in utero.


These ingredients once applied to the skin, they enter the bloodstream, and the body mistakes them for estrogen. When the body thinks there is an abnormally high amount of estrogen present in the bloodstream due to the presence of these hormone disrupters, it reacts in various ways: decreasing muscle mass, increasing fat deposits, causing early onset of puberty and spurring reproductive difficulties in both men and women. 

Other common chemicals are the Sulfates. 

These chemicals are used to produce lather and bubbles in soap. That's what we love most, right? The more it bubbles the more we have fun! Some common sulfates are SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and SLES (sodium laureth sulfate). Sulfates strip the skin of its natural oils and increase penetration of the skin’s surface. They are also irritants for people with sensitive skin or eczema.

Having said this, this must be a continous reminder for all of us to stay on the alert and choose natural over commercial and cheap soaps, that might smell and look appealing but contains harmful ingredients that will add over a liftime some serious harmful side effects to our bodies.

Thankfully, nowadays you can find alot of serious companies that opt for natural ingredients and free from such toxins.  Personally, through these past few years we used doTERRA products, which have a range of skin care, cleaning and well being products. Also, we have introduced the Naturalmente Meditteraneo which they use natural and organic ingredients, many of them local such as extra-virgin olive oil, fruits & pure aromatherapy essential oils. Obviously free from palm oil, synthetics, parabens or toxins. Both can be found on our ikkuluriti website for you to explore.

What my family and I keep in mind everyday is that the best wealth in life is to be healthy mind, body and spirit.  So, improve your overall health by choosing natural organic ingredients for you and your family and by making this switch, both your skin and your body will be thanking you!


Cloth Mummy @ Child Care


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