Reusable Sanitary Pads FAQ's

Around 2.5 million tampons, 1.4 million pads and 700,000 panty liners are flushed every single day in the UK alone and we wonder what those numbers would look like if we had statistics for the Maltese islands. With many people looking to cut down on their waste and/or wishing to use safer and chemical free options in their lives, reusable sanitary pads are becoming a popular alternative to disposable sanitary pads and tampons.

Here are some basic answers to the most common questions and concerns that we have received from you.

  1. How do I store the pads in between uses when I am out?


A lot of women are inclined to try out reusable pads when they are at home but not when they are out or at work. This is only natural, and this is why we suggest that you first get comfortable with reusables at home and then try them out when you are out of the home. This is made extremely easy by the small wet bag made specifically to hold in any smell or wetness from used pads. This can stay neatly in your bag to hold your clean sanitary pads before used and then later after use, until they are washed.

You may also wish to use a bigger wet bag to hold even more sanitary pads on long days.

2. How do I wash reusable cloth pads after each use?

Caring for your reusable pads is extremely simple and hassle free. After you've used your pads rinse them in cold water to prevent staining.

Simply pop them in your wet bag and when your period has finished wash them all up to 60°C. Wash with regular detergent but don't use fabric conditioner as this will make your pads less absorbent over time.

Some people are put off by rinsing the pads by hand. In this case, you may wish to run the pads under running water from a shower head or when you are in the shower.

3. Will the reusable sanitary pads move around?

The reusable sanitary pads have a popper by which the pad is attached to your underwear. This allows for the pad to be securely placed inside your underwear. Unlike disposable sanitary pads there are no glues and chemicals by which they attach themselves to your underwear which means less chemicals and more safety for you.

4. Will they smell?

We all thought about this one before giving reusable sanitary pads a go. Reusable pads tend to stay fresher than disposable ones since they are more breathable. If washed and cared for properly, reusable sanitary pads will not give off any odours. We recommend that these pads are changed regularly to avoid excess moisture against the skin, just as you would with a disposable sanitary pad or tampon.


5. Are they as absorbent as disoposable pads?

Yes they are! The reusable sanitary pads come in different sizes just like the disposable ones. They are available in three sizes:

Medium: can replace panty liners and suitable for light flow

Large: recommended for daytime use

X-Large: suggested for heavy periods and night time use

Pads are made of super absorbent and soft bamboo fiber for maximum absorbency.

6. Will they stain?

This is a very common and valid concern. The Baba and Boo reusable sanitary pads are made out of soft charcoal fibre which is naturally black. This is useful both for absorbency as well as to remove any concerns of staining.

However, the reusable sanitary pads will not stain if rinsed after used in cold water, whatever the colour of the pads.

We hope that you have found this article useful and that we have answered some of your questions. Reusable sanitary pads are easy to use, better for the environment and better for your health. After trying them out you will be happy with your savings and you will be surprised at how comfortable they are.

What is you biggest concern about reusable sanitary pads? Are you a fan of a menstrual cup rather than reusable pads? Would you ever consider giving them a go? Let us know, we'd love to hear your opinion!


I've got a heavy wetter, now what?


My Experience with Cloth Pads